Java 9 and Project Jigsaw - JavaOne Day 2

Ippon USA at JavaOne(Day 2): Focus on Java 9 and Project Jigsaw

Today’s highlights include a 4-part session on the Java 9 module system and Project Jigsaw presented by Alan Bateman, Mark Reinhold, Chief Architect, Java Platform Group Oracle and Alexander Buckley and a hosted afterparty at Duke’s Cafe outside the Hilton with refreshments provided by Atlassian.

![Hotels Exterior Design

Sessions Summary

CON5107: Prepare for JDK 9
CONS5118: Intro to Modular Development
CON6821: Advanced Modular Development
CON6823: Project Jigsaw: Under the Hood

Getting Ready for Java 9

Java 9 will contain many disruptive changes.  Tooling will definitely need time to catch up and implement changes and many libraries and codebases may need changes as well to upgrade safety and successfully.
It will be a long road to migrating the Java Ecosystem to modules. Potentially we could be looking at a 5-10 year timeframe. However, it is very important to the future of Java that we as a community implement these changes.

Steps to take to Prepare for Migrating to JDK9

  • Check for JDK-internal APIs with jdeps
  • Check code that relies on version string structure
  • Check tools that rely on rt.jar, tools.jar or the old file layout

Check out the following:

Livestream of sessions here.

When is JDK9 Coming out?

Short answer:  Fall 2016

Full Release Schedule

  • 2015/12/10: Feature Complete
  • 2016/02/04: All Tests Run
  • 2016/02/25: Rampdown Start
  • 2016/04/21: Zero Bug Bounce
  • 2016/06/16: Rampdown Phase 2
  • 2016/07/21: Final Release Candidate
  • 2016/09/22: General Availability

Why upgrade to JDK9

  1. More flexible and scalable code
  2. Better security and maintainability
  3. Easier to create, maintain and deploy
  4. Improved performance
  5. More efficient way of storing classes
  6. Simple and more intuitive layout

What is Changing in JDK9

JSR-376 – Java Platform Module System

OpenJDK Project Jigsaw – Ref implementation for JSR-376

  • Encapsulate most(Non-critical) JDK-internal APIs
  • Encapsulate critical APIs that have replacements in JDK9
  • Critical APIs without replacements: Depreciate in JDK 9 and remove in JDK 10

Non-critical Internal APIs: No evidence of use

Critical Internal APIs

  • Functionality that is difficult/impossible to implement outside JDK
  • Examples:  Unsafe, Signal, Cleaner, Reflection::getCallerClass, ReflectionFactory

JEP 261: Module System

  • Upgrade module mechanism
  • Application and extension class loaders will no longer URLClassLoader instance

Binary Structure of JRE and JDK

Only 3 folders will be present in the new file structure:

  • bin
  • conf
  • lib

The following files will be removed:

  • jre directory
  • rt.jar
  • tools.jar

New version string format

JEP223 New version-string scheme

Example: 1.9.0_5-b20

More about the Module System

What is a module?

Module:  A module is a named, self-describing collection of code and data

Module Characteristics

  • Strong encapsulation
  • Reliable Dependencies

Module Path:  Module system version of classpath

Example:  java -modulepath dir1:dir2:dir3

Example Module

  • All modules have an Implied dependency to java.base
  • Module names, like package names, must not conflict
  • A module’s declaration does not include a version string

Example Modular JAR

A modular JAR file is like an ordinary JAR file in all possible ways, except that it also includes a module-info.class file in its root directory

Module Artifact Example

Packaging as modular JAR


  • module-info.class
  • com/foo/app/Main.class
  • … other classes

jar —create —file mlib/app.jar

jar —file mlib/app.jar -p



java.base -> MANDATED


Main Class

Example Compilations

Module Example Compilations

Module Graph Example

Each module with a dependence that is fulfilled by some other module, contains a directed edge from the first module to the second.

Module Graph Example

More info here.

Application Migration(Very simplified top-down version)

Basic Process

  1. Use jdeps to find dependencies
  2. Build modular JARs for your code
  3. Create automatic modules by putting external libraries on module path

**Automatic modules:  **Place JAR files on module path to create automatic modules.  The module name will be derived from the JAR file name.  It will export all it’s packages and require all other modules.

Some things to keep in mind

  • Adopt modules at your own pace
  • Your can modularize your application before its libraries are modularized
  • Library authors can modularize libraries independently

Under the Hood of Jigsaw:  Some additional Details

How Accessibility Works Now




How Accessibility will Work with JDK9 and Onward

public to everyone:  exports public

public but only to specific modules:  exports to

public only within a module:  exports




  • In JDK9 accessibility strongly encapsulates module internals
  • Accessibility relies on readability

Different kinds of modules

**Explicit Named modules – **Created modules with explicitly defined requirements and exported types.

**Unnamed modules:  **An unnamed module reads every other module, and it exports all of its packages to every other module

  • JARs on the class path become unnamed modules
  • You can treat everything on the classpath as one big unnamed module
  • Unnamed modules read every named module
  • Unnamed modules export all packages

Automatic Named Modules – Named module declared implicitly by placing unnamed module on module path

  • Export all packages
  • Reads all named modules

Loaders and Layers

Module System works with existing loaders

  • Boot Layer
  • Bootstrap
  • Extension
  • Application

Layer:  A layer encapsulates a module graph and a mapping from each module in that graph to a class loader.  i.e. Family of loaders

  • Graph of modules
  • Function that maps modules to loaders

Boot Layer:  created by the Java virtual machine at startup by resolving the application’s initial module against the observable modules built-in to the run-time environment and also against those found on the module path

Other Things to Keep in Mind

  • Modules do a better job of encapsulation than class loaders, but class loaders are still necessary
  • Layers control the relationship
  • Strong encapsulation of modules by the compiler uses VM Core reflection
  • Named and Automatic Modules help with migration

Fun stuff at Parc 55

There are lots of fun things scattered around the convention to check out in your downtime between sessions and checking out the exhibition hall.

Make your own magazine cover

On the 4th floor of the Parc 55 hotel by the Java One store, there is a large glass box you can pose in to shoot your own magazine cover.

Magazine Cover

Free coffee at Buzz House(Free beer after 2)

buzz house

20 years of Innovation and History with Java Exhibit

Java 20 Year Exhibit

Duke’s Cafe Afterparty

Big thanks to Atlassian for providing free beer and coffee all day at JavaOne Buzzhouse locations and Duke’s Cafe.  Follow Atlassian on Twitter.

Duke's Cafe Free Beer

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I'm a full-stack Java and Grails Developer and overall technology enthusiast. I currently work as a Software Engineer at Ippon USA. Follow Ippon on Twitter @IpponUSA
Ippon Technologies is an international consulting firm that specializes in Agile Development, Big Data and DevOps / Cloud. Our 400+ highly skilled consultants are located in the US, France, Australia and Russia. Ippon technologies has a $42 million revenue.