JavaOne Day 3 and 4 Roundup

JavaOne Day 3 and 4 Roundup

We are heading into the tail end of the conference with several great events. We saw some great sessions and had the chance to see Elton John and Beck perform at Treasure Island for the Oracle Appreciation Event!

Sessions Summary

Spring Birds of a Feather Session(BOF)

Presented by:

Josh Long(@starbuxman) – Spring evangelist
Phil Webb(@phillip_webb) – Co-lead Spring Boot


We got a nice name drop for jHipster from Josh Long during the presentation. jHipster helps you stand up a web app with Angular JS and Twitter Bootstrap on the front end with a Spring Boot REST API backend.

Learn More

Matt Raible’s Devoxx 2015 Presentation

You can also check out Matt Raible’s Devoxx 2015 Presentation: Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap

Use new technologies

One thing Josh Long stressed is that people “make do” with outdated technologies unnecessarily.  Developers should always be researching and investigating new technologies and new versions of existing tools.  Spring is constantly releasing new versions of their frameworks and modules with lots of great features.     He illustrated this point with the following image:

This is fine – Not adapting to and utilizing new technologies

Returns observable

Spring offers asynchronous request processing flow support to return the result back to the user when available from the CompletableFuture, so as to not hold up the containers thread. You can make REST calls using CompletableFuture asynchronously in a non-blocking manner.
More details:

Check out the following recommended sites for tutorials

CDI threatens spring?

CDI and Spring are not competing technologies.  Spring is a ecosystem built around a dependency injection container and CDI is context and dependency injection.

CDI and Spring are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Spring Data

There have been lots of great advanced with the Spring Data project and you should check it out.

JavaOne Exhibition Hall

There were many good things to see at the JavaOne Exhibition Hall.


![Github at the JavaOne Exhibition Hall]( Github at the JavaOne Exhibition Hall

JetBrains, Gradle and Jenkins

Gradle, Jenkins and JetBrains



Pivotal was hosting great hands-on workshops on using various Spring technologies.  Maybe next year they will use jHipster to help stand up starter projects to demo features of Spring!

They had tons of swag but it was going fast.  Do you see the jHipster stickers on the corner of the podium?   Big thanks to Pivotal for helping us hand out jHipster swag!

Oracle Appreciation Event at Treasure Island

Oracle Appreciation Event with Elton John and Beck

Wednesday, October 28
6:00 p.m.–12:00 a.m.
Treasure Island, San Francisco

Elton John and Beck performed live on Treasure Island at the Oracle Appreciation Event. There were great 360-degree views of the San Francisco and Oakland skylines, Marin and Silicon Valley, and nearby Alcatraz and Angel Islands. There was a lighted Ferris wheel and complementary refreshments and food!
See below for a slideshow of images from the Event!

Oracle Appreciation Event by Slidely Slideshow