JHipster Meetup in New York, August 21st 2018

We are proud of hosting a JHipster meetup in New York City on Tuesday, August 21, 2018!

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JHipster on Google Cloud & JHispter 5

šŸ•’ 6:30 - Network, Discussions, Beers & Pizza

šŸ•’ 7:00 - A Look Inside JHipster for Kubernetes, Istio, and App Engine!

Ray Tsang from Google contributed a couple of generators for JHipster, including the initial Kubernetes support, Istio support, and Google App Engine support. In this session, we'll see how to use these generators to quickly create and deploy JHipster applications into these environments. We'll also look at the latest work being done on thin microservices architecture such that circuit breakers, retries, load balancing and more are delegated to Istio.

šŸ•’ 7:30 - Brace yourself, JHipster 5 is out

Theo Lebrun from Ippon USA will give a short talk on JHipster 5. This talk aims at updating you on the new features from the latest JHipster release. This will cover the frontend/backend and miscellaneous changes. You can also read about these changes in his blog post.

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Big Data Engineer & Managing Consultant - I work with Spark, Kafka and Cassandra. My preferred language is Scala!
Washington, DC, USA LinkedIn
Ippon Technologies is an international consulting firm that specializes in Agile Development, Big Data and DevOps / Cloud. Our 400+ highly skilled consultants are located in the US, France, Australia and Russia. Ippon technologies has a $42 million revenue.