Going Green -- Your Office Matters
Most office-workers will spend the majority of their adult life in the office -- about…
Incrementally loaded Parquet files
In this post, I explore how you can leverage Parquet [https://parquet.apache.org/] when…
Introduction to Continuous Integration with JHipster
Introduction This is an introduction for users unfamiliar with applied Continuous Integration (CI). You may…
MongoDB and Apache Spark - Getting started tutorial
MongoDB and Apache Spark are two popular Big Data technologies. In my previous post [https:…
Docker Swarm on AWS using Chef
Synopsis While there are many ways to initialize and configure a Docker Swarm on AWS…
In our previous article on Nifi [https://test-ippon.ghost.io/why-nifi-2], we discussed the history,…
Let me introduce you to someone...JHipster!
Maybe you've never met JHipster. Or maybe you know who he is, but…
Taking Flight with DiSC: Ippon Technologies invests in people, culture, and clients
The following article is written by guest blogger Theresa Moore, an experienced and passionate business…
It was that time of year again -- sitting around the table with extended family,…
Why is an Address NOT a (series of) Strings?
In my article Why an Address is NOT a String [https://test-ippon.ghost.io/why-address-not-string/…
Introduction to the MongoDB connector for Apache Spark
MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases. Its unique capabilities to store document-oriented…
Infrastructure as Code with CloudFormation
CloudFormation [https://aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/] is an Amazon Web Service that allows users to…
Jahia's Digital Experience Manager
The Content Management Systems (CMS) market is very crowded. Even someone with almost no experience…
In French, Ansible can be pronounced as "en cible," meaning "in target.…
Announcing Ippon USA's first highlight: DevOps!
Our expert technologists are working to produce articles and events to shine a new light…