Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Certification Guide: Preparation Tips and Strategies
The work is performed on live clusters in the terminal window and access to Kubernetes documentation is available throughout the session.…
What Makes Entando a Highly Available Architecture?
High availability within the software world means a user can employ a technology to do a piece of work when needed. It needs to be Scalable, Resilient, Reliable, and Durable. Entando is a Highly Available Architecture, because of Kubernetes.…
Hardening Kubernetes and What That Entails With Entando
Web Application security is hard. Doing security right in Kubernetes is even more difficult. In order to cover everything listed in the Kubernetes Threat Matrix, you have to follow best practices across the board. Shift security left and use opinionated platforms like Entando.…
Intro DevOps Engineers have moved from on-premise, monolithic applications to large-scale application systems in the…
Process CSVs from Amazon S3 using Apache Flink, JHipster, and Kubernetes
Apache Flink [https://flink.apache.org/] is one of the latest distributed Big Data frameworks…
How Kubernetes Add to Your Business
Monolithic applications have been the industry norm for years, however, we here at Ippon have…
Istio architectures generated by JHipster
JHipster [https://www.jhipster.tech/] is able to generate Kubernetes deployment descriptors for the applications…