Entando Personas Make Modular Applications More Manageable
Over the past few years, it has become apparent that businesses need to adapt quickly…
Advancing from Microservices to include Micro Frontends, leading to Vertical Teams
The journey from a monolithic architecture to a more scalable one is more important than…
Event-Driven Architecture: Getting Started with Kafka (Part 2)
An event-driven architecture is a paradigm that has become increasingly used in modern microservices-based architectures. It promises a more flexible and responsive architecture to business events, while offering better technical decoupling. Let's see how we can build it with Kafka.…
Event-Driven Architecture: Getting Started with Kafka (Part 1)
An event-driven architecture is a paradigm that has become increasingly used in modern microservices-based architectures. It promises a more flexible and responsive architecture to business events, while offering better technical decoupling. Let's see how we can build it with Kafka.…
Distributed Tracing using AWS X-Ray
As monoliths have been replaced by microservice applications, growing in size and complexity, the challenge…
Containerize your Spring Boot app with JIB
Java developers are familiar with building war or jar files using their preferred tools but…
How Kubernetes Add to Your Business
Monolithic applications have been the industry norm for years, however, we here at Ippon have…
Istio architectures generated by JHipster
JHipster [https://www.jhipster.tech/] is able to generate Kubernetes deployment descriptors for the applications…
Tackling complexity in the heart of Spring Cloud Feign errors
Feign, Hystrix, Ribbon, Eureka, are great tools, all nicely packed in Spring Cloud, allowing us…
Monolithic to Microservice: Consistency in Distributed Systems
Ah, technical debt. There’s something to be said for throwing scalability to the wind…
Let me introduce you to someone...JHipster!
Maybe you've never met JHipster. Or maybe you know who he is, but…